Photo Copyright Michelle Schoffro Cook. All rights reserved.
During the grey and lifeless winter months, the apple tree named Wuthering Heights, appears stark and windblown, almost lifeless. But after the weariness of the cold and ice, comes the spring, marked by a stunning array of pink and white apple blossoms. It is as if the tree finds within itself a spirit of renewal, hope, beauty, and love. The intoxicating fragrance of roses fills the senses as the blossoms reveal their family of origin. The stunning display of unusually pink flowers envelopes the tree and all signs of its former self are gone.
In the same way, we can live in our self-created misery or we can muster the hope and love that lies buried in our heart and spring into action. We can push aside our negative self-talk and the false rationales we create as to why we do not deserve happiness. We can cast aside the self- or socially-induced sabotage, and take the first step toward that which brings us joy and fills our heart with passion. Naysayers: step aside. And, in the moment we make the decision to move forward to fulfill our destiny, we are transformed from the darkness we have accepted as normal to the brilliant light within that shall soon be reflected without.
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